The table provides aspects of three separate centers for sporting activities in a particular city. What can clearly be observed is that the ones with higher fees have fewer members, and the ones with lower fees have far more members.
Starting with how much each place costs, Springlake golf club is by far the most expensive, charging $2,600 dollars per year for membership. This figure is $1,100 higher than the second most expensive which is Clearview country club. Costing a mere $450 annually, Sports max center offers the cheapest fees.
Interestingly, the number of facilities offered has the opposite pattern to the fees. Far more sporting facilities are available at Sports max center, having 32 for its members, and this is twice as many as those offered at Clearview country club. Despite being the most expensive, there are only 9 sports facilities that members of Springlake golf club can enjoy using.
In the same way, the total number of people using these locations follows the pattern of the cheapest one being the most popular. There are 1,200 people who pay annually for Sports max center, whereas only 472 people choose to go to Clearview country club, and the lowest figure can be seen for Springlake golf club at just 122. (210 words)