Speaking part two
Length: 3 - 4 minutes
How should I speak in part two?
During the two minutes you should try to give a lot of detail. It is important to speak for the full two minutes.
It is fine if you still had more to say at the end of the two minutes.
You do not need to cover all the bullet points on the topic card.
Rounding off questions: give very short answers in this part. The examiner needs to move on to part 3.
What if I don't understand the topic in part 2?
You can ask the examiner to explain it to you. This will take time away from your one minute preparation.
Will the examiner speak during the two minutes?
The examiner will not speak in the 2 minutes unless you have been quiet for too long (about 10 seconds), then the examiner will prompt you with a question to say more.